Scrapbooking fills my days - not to mention my living room, bedroom, and closets!--Author Unknown

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tips for scrapbooking more in 2010

I got this off an e-mail group I'm on so I claim no authorship in any way shape or form. Just wanted to pass along some great tips on how we all can scrap more often (as if we need to scrap more often, though some of us might, though maybe not need to but WANT to might be more accurate) Cindy D. YOU need to look at number 4

1. Go though your stash and make sure you are keeping items you LOVE and not just everything you've ever come across on a sale.

2. Say to yourself daily that perfection is NOT necessary in life or in scrapbooking. Allow yourself to grow creatively and experiment. Being creative doesn't mean being perfect. Accept imperfections

3. Journal! Don't forget to jot even a sentence or two on a layout. If you procrastinate your journaling, do a whole stack of them at once this weekend! Then they will be done!

4. Get your digital pics onto your computer and off the camera. Create a system for finding them again that YOU can work with. Don't wait for hubby or the kids to teach you.

5. Backup your digital computer files onto CD, date it, and send it off to a safe place outside of your own home like a safety deposit box or family member.

6. If you have a backlog of loose photos from 2008--or anytime--sort them and file them into photo boxes. You can always decide what to scrap later. This way you can at least FIND it and it will be safe until then.

7. Go through your inks and pens. Toss out the dry ones! No sense carrying them around or storing them if they are useless! I recently found out that all my black ink pads were DRY! Out they went.

8. Share. Give your excess to a younger scrapper or a kid's craft program, Scouts, or charity.

9. Weed out your email groups--except for those that truly inspire you. ;) You need the time for creativity, not chatter.

10. Be Brave! Show your work to the local card or scrapbooking store around you. Share layouts at a crop instead of hiding your work. Resist the urge to downplay or disparage your own work. Accept compliments with "Thank you" instead of "Oh I hate it, I should have...."

And a bonus tip--Have fun! Set aside time each week to scrap. Keep the date with your creativity. :)

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